Thursday, August 1, 2019

Life and Crimes of Ted Bundy (Conclusion)

Bundy died in the Raiford electric chair at 7:16 a.m. EST on January 24, 1989 at the age of 42-years of age.  Hundreds of revelers—from 20 off-duty police officers, by one account—sang, danced and set off fireworks in a pasture across the street from the prison as the execution was carried out, then cheered loudly as the white hearse containing Bundy’s corpse departed the prison.  Bundy’s body was cremated in Gainesville, and his ashes scattered at an undisclosed location in the Cascade Range of Washington State, in accordance with his will.

Modus Operandi and Victim Profiles
Bundy was an unusually organized and calculating criminal ho used his extensive knowledge of law enforcement to elude identification and capture for years.  his crime scenes were distributed over large geographic areas; his victim count had risen to at least 20 before it became clear that numerous investigators in widely disparate jurisdictions were hunting the same man.  His assault methods of choice were blunt trauma and strangulation, two relatively silent techniques that could be accomplished with common household items.  He deliberately avoided firearms due to the noise they made and the ballistic evidence they left behind.  Bundy was a “meticulous researcher” who explored his surroundings in minute detail, looking for safe sites to seize and dispose of victims.  He was unusually skilled at minimizing physical evidence.  His fingerprints were never found at a crime scene, nor any other incontrovertible evidence of his guilt, a fact he repeated often during the years in which he attempted to maintain his innocence.

Other significant obstacles for law enforcement were Bundy’s generic, essentially anonymous physical features, and curious chameleon-like ability to change his appearance almost at will.  Early on, police complained of the futility of showing his photograph to witnesses; he looked different in virtually every photo ever taken of him.  In person, “Bundy’s expression would change so his whole appearance that there were moments that you weren’t even sure you were looking at the same person”, Stewart Hanson, Jr., the judge in the DaRonch trial.  “Bundy {was] really a changeling.”  Bundy was well aware of this unusual quality and he exploited it, using subtle modifications of facial hair or hairstyle to significantly alter his appearance as necessary.  Bundy concealed his one distinctive identifying mark, a dark mole on his neck, with turtleneck shirts and sweaters.  Even his Volkswagen Beetle proved difficult to pin down; its color was variously described by witnesses as metallic or non-metallic, tan or bronze, light brown or dark brown.

Bundy’s modus operandi evolved in organization and sophistication over time, as is typical of serial murderers, according to FBI experts. Early on, it consisted of forcible late-night entry followed by a violent attack with a blunt weapon on a sleeping victim.  Some victims were sexually assaulted with inert objects; all except Healy were left as they lay, unconscious or dead.  as his methodology evolved Bundy became progressively more organized in his choice of victims and crime scenes.  Bundy would employ various ruses designed to lure his victim to the vicinity of his vehicle where he had pre-positioned a weapon, usually a crowbar.  In many cases he wore a plaster cast on one leg or a sling on one arm, and sometimes hobbled on crutches, then requested assistance in carrying something to his vehicle.  Bundy was regarded as handsome and charismatic by many victims, traits Bundy exploited to gain their trust.  “Ted lured females”, Michaud wrote, “the way a lifeless silk flower can dupe a honey bee.”  Once near or inside his vehicle the victim would be overpowered, bludgeoned, and restrained with handcuffs.  Most were sexually assaulted and strangled, either at the primary crime scene or (more commonly) after transport to a pre-selected secondary site, often a considerable distance away.  In situations where his looks and charm were not useful, he invoked authority by identifying himself as a police officer or firefighter.  Toward the end of his spree, in Florida, perhaps under the stress of being a fugitive, he regressed to indiscriminate attacks on sleeping victims.

At secondary sites he would remove and later burn the victim’s clothing, or in at least one case (Cunningham’s) deposit them in a Goodwill  Industries collection bin.  Bundy explained that the clothing removal was ritualistic, but also a practical matter, as it minimized the chance of leaving trace evidence at the crime scene that could implicate him.  (A manufacturing error in fibers from his own clothing, ironically, provided a crucial incriminating link to Kimberly Leach.)  Bundy often revisited his secondary crime scenes to engage in acts of necrophilia, and to groom or dress up the cadavers.  Some victims were found wearing articles of clothing they had never worn, or nail polish that family members had never seen.  He took Polaroid photos of many of his victims.  “When you work hard to do something right,” he told Hagmaier, “you don’t want to forget it.”  Consumption of large quantities of alcohol was an “essential component”, Bundy told Keppel, and later Michaud; Bundy needed to be “extremely drunk” while on the prowl in order to “sedate” the “dominant personality” that he feared might prevent his inner “entity” from acting on his impulses.

Bundy’s victims were mostly white females from middle-class backgrounds around the ages of 15-25, as well as college students.  Bundy apparently never approached anyone he might have never met before.  (In their last conversation before his execution, Bundy admitted to Kloepfer he had purposely stayed away from her “when he felt the power of his sickness building within him.”)  Rule noted that most of Bundy’s identified victims had long straight hair, parted in the middle—like Stephanie Brooks, the woman who rejected him, and to whom he later became engaged and then rejected in return.  Rule speculated that Bundy’s animosity toward his first girlfriend triggered his protracted rampage and caused him to target victims who resembled her.  Bundy dismissed this hypothesis:  “[T]hey … just fit the general criteria of being young and attractive”, Bundy told Hugh Aynesworth.  “Too many people have bought this crap that all the girls were similar … [but] almost everything was dissimilar … physically, they were almost all different.”  Bundy did concede that youth and beauty were “absolutely indispensable criteria” in his choice of victims.

After Bundy’s execution, Ann Rule was surprised and troubled to hear from numerous “sensitive, intelligent, kind young women”, who wrote or called to say they deeply depressed because Bundy was dead.  Many corresponded with him, “each believing that she was his only one”.  Several said they suffered nervous breakdowns when he died.  “Even in death, Ted damaged women,” Rule wrote.  “To get well, they must realize that they were conned by the master conman.  They are grieving for a shadow man that never existed.”

Bundy underwent multiple psychiatric examinations; with experts’ conclusions varied.  Dorothy Otnow Lewis, Professor of Psychiatry at the New York University School of Medicine and an authority o violent behavior, initially made a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, but changed the diagnosis on more than one occasion.  She suggested the possibility of a multiple personality disorder, based on behaviors described in interviews and court testimony:  a great-aunt witnessed an episode during which Bundy “seemed to turn into another, unrecognizable person … [she] suddenly, inexplicably found herself afraid of her favorite nephew as they waited together at a dusk-darkened train station.  Bundy had turned into a stranger.’ Lewis recounted a prison official in Tallahassee describing a similar transformation:  ‘He said, ‘He became weird on me.’  He did a metamorphosis, a body and facial change, and he felt there was almost an odor emitting from him.  He said, ‘Almost a complete change of personality … that was the day I was afraid of him.’”

While experts found Bundy’s precise diagnosis elusive, the majority of evidence pointed away from bipolar disorder or other psychoses, and toward antisocial personality disorder (ASPD).  Bundy displayed many personality traits typically found in ASPD patients (who are often identified as “sociopaths” or “psychopaths”), such as outward charm and charisma with little true personality or genuine insight beneath the façade, the ability to distinguish right from wrong, but with minimal effect on behavior, and an absence of guilt or remorse.  “Guilt doesn’t solve anything, really”, Bundy said, in 1981.  “It hurts you … I guess I am in the enviable position of not having to deal with guilt.”  There was also evidence of narcissism, poor judgment, and manipulative behavior.  “Sociopaths”, prosecutor George Dekle wrote, “are egotistical manipulators who think they can con anybody.”  “Sometimes he manipulates even me”, admitted one psychiatrist.  In the end, Lewis agreed with the majority:  “I always tell my graduate students that if they can find me a real, true psychopath, I’ll buy them dinner”, she told Nelson.  “I never thought they existed … but I think Ted may have been one, a true psychopath, without any remorse or empathy at all.”  Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) has been proposed as an alternative diagnosis in at least one subsequent retrospective analysis.

The afternoon before he was executed, Bundy granted an interview to James Dobson, a psychologist and founder of the Christian evangelical organization Focus on the Family.  Dobson used the opportunity to make new claims about violence in the media and the pornographic “roots” of his crimes.  “It happened in stages, gradually”, Bundy said.  “My experience with … pornography that deals on a violent level with sexuality, is once you become addicted to it … I would keep looking for more potent, more explicit, more graphic kinds of material.  Until you reach a point where the pornography only goes so far … where you begin to wonder if maybe actually doing it would give that which is beyond just reading it or looking at it.”  Violence in the media, Dobson said, “particularly sexualized violence”, sent boys “down the road to being Ted Bundy’s.”  the FBI, Dobson suggested, should stake out adult movie houses and follow patrons as they leave.  “You are going to kill me,” Bundy said, “and that will protect society from me.  But out there are many, many more people who are addicted to pornography, and you are doing nothing about that.”

While Nelson was convinced that Bundy’s concern was genuine, most biographers, researchers, and other observers concluded that his sudden condemnation of pornography was one last manipulative attempt to shift blame by catering to Dobson’s agenda as a longtime pornography critic.  Bundy told Dobson that ‘true crime” detective magazines had “corrupted” him and “fueled [his] fantasies … to the point of becoming a serial killer”; yet in a 1977 letter to Ann Rule, Bundy wrote, “Who in the world reads these publications? … I have never purchased such a magazine, and [on only] two or three occasions have I ever picked one up.”  Bundy told Michaud and Aynesworth in 1980, and Hagmaier the night before he spoke to Dobson, that pornography played a negligible in his development as a serial killer.  “the problem wasn’t pornography”, wrote Dekle.  “The problem was Bundy.”  “I wish I could believe that his motives were altruistic”, wrote Rule.  “But all I can see in Dobson tape is another Ted Bundy manipulation of our minds.  The effect of the tape is to place, once again, the onus of his crimes, not on himself but on us.”

Rule and Aynesworth both note that for Bundy, the fault always lays with someone or something else.  While he eventually confessed to 30 murders, he never accepted responsibility for any of them, even when offered that opportunity prior to the Chi Omega trial, which would have spared him the death penalty.  He deflected blame onto a wide variety of scapegoats, including his abusive grandfather, the absence of his biological father, the concealment of his true parentage, alcohol, the media, the police (whom he accused of planting evidence), society in general, violence on television, and ultimately, true crime periodicals and pornography.  
 Bundy blamed television programming, which he watched mostly on set that he had stolen, for “brainwashing” him into stealing credit cards.  On at least one occasion, Bundy even tried to blame his victims:  “I have known people who … radiate vulnerability”, Bundy wrote in a 1977 letter to Kloepfer.  “Their facial expressions say ‘I am expecting to be hurt, do they subtly encourage it?”
A significant element of delusion permeated Bundy’s thinking:

“Bundy was always surprised when anyone noticed that one of his victims was missing, because he imagined America to be a place where everyone is invisible except to themselves.  And he was always astounded when people testified that they had seen him in incriminating places, because Bundy did not believe people noticed each other.”

“I don’t know why everyone is out to get me”, Bundy complained to Lewis.  “He really and truly did not have any sense of the enormity of what he had done,” Lewis said.  “A long-term serial killer erects powerful barriers to his guilt,” Keppel wrote, “walls of denial that can sometimes never breached.”  Nelson agreed.  “Each time he was forced to make an actual confession,” Nelson wrote, “he had to leap a steep barrier he had built inside himself long ago.”

The night before his execution, Bundy confessed to 30 homicides, but the true total remains unknown.  Published estimates have run as high as 100 or more, and Bundy occasionally made cryptic comments to encourage that speculation.  He told Hugh Aynesworth in 1980 that for every murder “publicized”, there “could be one that was not.”  When FBI agents proposed a total tally of 36, Bundy responded, “Add one digit to that, and you’ll have it.”  Years later Bundy told attorney Polly Nelson that the common estimate of 35 was accurate, but Robert Keppel wrote that “[Ted] and I both knew [the total] was much higher.”  “I don’t think even Bundy knew … how many he killed, or why he killed them”, said Rev. Fred Lawrence, the Methodist clergyman who administered Bundy’s last rites.  “That was my impression, my strong impression.”

On the evening before his execution Bundy reviewed his victim tally with Bill Hagmaier on a state-by-state basis for a total of 30 homicides:

·         In Washington, 11 (including Parks, abducted in Oregon but killed in Washington, and including 3 unidentified)
·         In Utah, 8 (3 unidentified)
·         In Colorado, 3
·         In Florida, 3
·         In Oregon, 2 (both unidentified)
·         In Idaho, 2 (1 unidentified)
·         In California, 1 (unidentified)

The following is a chronological summary of the 20 identified victims and five identified survivors:


·         January 4:  Karen Sparks (identified as Joni Lenz in Bundy literature) (age 18):  Bludgeoned and sexually assaulted I bed as she slept—survived.
·         February 1:  Lynda Ann Healy (21):  Bludgeoned while asleep and abducted; skull and mandible recovered at Taylor Mountain site.
·         March 12:  Donna Gail Manson (19);  Abducted while walking to a concert at The Evergreen State College; body left (according to Bundy0 at Taylor Mountain site, but never found.
·         April 17:  Susan Elaine Rancourt (18):  Disappeared after attending an evening advisors’ meeting at Central Washington State College; skull and mandible recovered at Taylor Mountain site in 1975
·         May 6:  Roberta Kathleen Parks (22):  Vanished from Oregon State University in Corvallis; skull and mandible recovered at Taylor Mountain site in 1975
·         June 1:  Brenda Carol Ball (22):  Disappeared after leaving the Flame Tavern in Burien; skull and mandible recovered at Taylor Mountain site in 1975
·         June 11:  Georgann (often misspelled “Georgeann”) Hawkins (18):  Abducted from an alley behind her sorority house, UW, skeletal remains identified by Bundy as those of Hawkins recovered at Issaquah site
·         July 14:  Janice Ann Ott (23):  Abducted from Lake Sammamish State Park in broad daylight; skeletal remains recovered at Issaquah site in 1975
·         July 14:  Denise Marie Naslund (19):  Abducted four hours after Ott from the same park; skeletal remains recovered at Issaquah site in 1975

·         October 2:  Nancy Wilcox (16):  Ambushed, assaulted, and strangled in Holladay, Utah; body buried (according to Bundy) near Capitol Reef National Park, 200 miles (320 km) south of Salt Lake City, but never found
·         October 18:  Melissa Anne Smith (17):  Vanished from Midvale, Utah; body found nine days later in nearby mountainous area
·         October 31:  Laura Ann Aime (17):  Disappeared from Lehi, Utah; bludgeoned and raped; body discovered by hikers in American Fork Canyon
·         November 8:  Carole DaRonch (18):  Attempted abduction in Murray, Utah; escaped from Bundy’s car and survived
·         November 8:  Debra Jean Kent (17):  Vanished after leaving a school play in Bountiful, Utah; body left (according to Bundy) near Fairview, Utah, 100 miles (160 km) south of Bountiful; minimal skeletal remains (one patella) found, were eventually in 2015 positively identified by DNA as Kent’s


·         January 12:  Caryn Eileen Campbell (23):  Disappeared from a hotel hallway in Snowmass, Colorado; body discovered 36 days later, on a dirt road near the hotel
·         March 15:  Julie Cunningham (26):  Disappeared on the way to a tavern in Vail, Colorado; body buried (according to Bundy) near Rifle, 90 miles (140 km) west of Vail, but never found
·         April 6:  Denise Lynn Oliverson (25):  Abducted while bicycling to her parents’ house in Grand Junction, Colorado; body thrown (according to Bundy) into the Colorado River 5 miles (8.0 km) west of Grand Junction, but never found
·         May 6:  Lynette Dawn Culver (12):  Abducted from Alameda junior High School in Pocatello, Idaho; body thrown (according to Bundy) into what authorities believe to be the Snake River, but never found
·         June 28:  Susan Curtis (15):  Disappeared during a youth conference at Brigham Young University; body buried (according to Bundy) near Price, Utah, 75 miles (121 km) southeast of Provo,  but never found


·         January 15:  Margaret Elizabeth Bowman (21):  Bludgeoned  and then strangled as she slept, Chi Omega sorority, FSU (no secondary crime scene)
·         January 15:  Lisa Levy (20);  Bludgeoned, strangled and sexually assaulted as she slept, Chi Omega sorority, FSU (no secondary crime scene)
·         January 15:  Karen Chandler (21):  Bludgeoned as she slept, Chi Omega sorority, FSU; survived
·         January 15:  Kathy Kleiner (21): Bludgeoned as she slept, Chi Omega sorority, FSU; survived
·         January 15:  Cheryl Thomas (21):  Bludgeoned as she slept, eight blocks from Chi Omega; Survived
·         February 9:  Kimberly Diane Leach (12):  Abducted from her junior high school in Lake City, Florida; skeletal remains found near Suwannee River State Park, 43 miles (69 km) west of Lake City

Other Possible Victims
Bundy remains a suspect in several unsolved homicides, and is likely responsible for others  that may never be identified; in 1987 he confided to Keppel that there were “some murders” that he would “never talk about”, because they were committed “too close to home”, “too close to family”, or involved “victims who were very young”.

·         Ann Marie Burr, aged 8, vanished from her Tacoma home on August 31, 1961, when Bundy was 14.  The Burr house was on Bundy’s newspaper delivery route.  The victim’s father was certain that he saw Bundy in a ditch at a construction site on the nearby UPS campus the morning his daughter disappeared.  Other circumstantial evidence implicates him as well, but detectives familiar with the case have never agreed on the likelihood of his involvement.  Bundy repeatedly denied culpability and wrote a letter of denial to the Burr family in 1986, but Keppel has observed that Burr fits all three of Bundy’s “no discussion” categories of “too close to home”, “too close to family”, and “very young”.  Forensic testing of material evidence from the Burr crime scene, in 2011, yielded insufficient intact DNA sequences for comparison with Bundy’s.

·         Flight attendants Lisa E. Wick and Lonnie Trumbull, both 20, were bludgeoned with  a piece of lumber as they slept in basement apartment in Seattle’s Queen Anne Hill district on June 23, 1966 near the Safeway store where Bundy worked at the time, and where the women regularly shopped.  Trumbull died.  In retrospect, Keppel noted many similarities to the Chi Omega crime scene.  Wick, who suffered permanent memory loss as a result of the attack, later contacted Ann Rule:  “I know that it was Ted Bundy who did that to us,” she wrote, “but I can’t tell you how I know.”  In the absence of incriminating evidence, Bundy’s involvement remains speculative.

·         Vacationing college friends Susan Davis and Elizabeth Perry, both 19, were stabbed to death on May 30, 1969.  Their cat was found that day abandoned beside the Garden State Parkway outside Somers Point, New Jersey, near Atlantic City, 60 miles (97 km) south of Philadelphia, and their bodies—one nude, one fully clothed—were found in nearby woods three days later.  Bundy attended Temple University from January through May 1969 and apparently did not move west until after Memorial Day weekend.  While Bundy’s accounts of his earliest crimes varied considerably between interviews, he told forensic psychologist Art Norman that his first murder victims were two women in the Philadelphia area.  Biographer Richard Larsen believed Bundy committed the murders using his feigned-injury ruse, based on an investigator’s interview with Julia, Bundy’s aunt:  Ted, she said, was wearing a leg cast due to an automobile accident on the weekend of the homicides, and therefore could not have traveled from Philadelphia to the Jersey Shore, there is no official record of any such accident.  Bundy is considered a “strong suspect”, but the case remains open.

·         Rita Curran, a 24-year-old elementary school teacher and part-time motel maid, was murdered in her basement apartment on July 19, 1971, in Burlington Vermont; she had been strangled, bludgeoned and raped.  He location of the motel where she worked (adjacent to Bundy’s birthplace, the Elizabeth Lund Home for Unwed Mothers) and similarities to known Bundy crime scenes led retired FBI agent John Bassett to propose him as a suspect.  No evidence firmly places Bundy in Burlington on that date, but municipal records note that a person name “Bundy” was bitten by a dog that week, and long stretches of Bundy’s time—including the summer of 1971—remain unaccounted for.  Curran’s murder officially remains unsolved.

·         Joyce LePage, 21, was last seen on July 22, 1971, on the campus of Washington State University, where she was undergraduate.  Nine months later, her skeletal remains were found wrapped in carpeting and military blankets, bound with rope, in a deep ravine south of Pullman, Washington.  Multiple suspects—including Bundy—have “never been cleared”, according to investigators.  Whitman County authorities have said that Bundy remains a suspect.

·         Rita Lorraine Jolly, 17, disappeared from West Linn, Oregon, on June 29, 1973, Vicki Lynn Hollar, 24, disappeared from Eugene, Oregon, on August 20, 1973.  Oregon detectives suspected that they Jolly and Hollar, but were unable to obtain interview time with Bundy to confirm it.  Both women remain classified as missing.

·         Katherine Merry Devine, 14, was abducted on November 24, 1973, and her body was found the next month in the Capitol State Forest near Olympia, Washington.  Brenda Joy Baker, 14, was seen hitchhiking near Puyallup, Washington, on May 27, 1974; her body was found in Millersylvania State Park a month later.  Though Bundy was widely believed responsible for both murders, he told Keppel that he had no knowledge of either case.  DNA analysis led to the arrest  and conviction of William E. Cosden for Devine’s murder in 2002.  The Baker homicide remains unsolved.

·         Sandra Jean Weaver, 19, a Wisconsin native who had been living in Tooele, Utah, was last seen in Salt Lake City on July 1, 1974; her nude body was discovered the following day near Grand Junction, Colorado.  Sources conflict on whether Bundy mentioned Weaver’s name during the death row interviews.  Her murder remains unsolved.

·         Melanie Suzanne “Suzy” Cooley, 18, disappeared on April 15, 1975, after leaving Nederland High School in Nederland, Colorado, 50 miles (80 km) northwest of Denver.  Her bludgeoned and strangled corpse was discovered by road maintenance workers two weeks later in Coal Creek Canyon, 20 miles (32 km) away.  Gasoline station receipts place Bundy in nearby Golden on the day Cooley disappeared.  Cooley is included in some compilations of Bundy victims, but Jefferson County authorities say the evidence is inconclusive and continue to treat her homicide as a cold case.

·         Shelly (or Shelley) Kay Robertson, 24, failed to show up for work in Golden, Colorado, on july 1, 1975.  Her nude, decomposed body was found in August, 500 feet (150 m) inside a mine on Berthoud Pass near Winter Park Resort by two mining students.  Gas station receipts place Bundy in the area at the time, but there is no direct evidence of his involvement; the case remains open.

·         Nancy Perry Baird, 23, disappeared from the service station where she worked in Layton, Utah, 25 miles (40 km) north of Salt Lake City, on July 4, 1975, and remains classified as a missing person.  Bundy specifically denied involvement in this case during the death rows interviews.

·         Debbie Smith, 17, was last seen in Salt Lake City in early February 1976, shortly before the DaRonch trial began; her body was found near the Salt Lake City International Airport on April 1, 1976.  Though listed as Bundy victim by some sources, her murder remains officially unsolved.

Minutes before his execution, Hagmaier queried Bundy about unsolved homicides in New Jersey, Illinois, Vermont (the Curran case), Texas, and Miami, Florida.  Bundy provided directions—later proven inaccurate—to Susan Curtis’ burial site in Utah, but denied in any of the open cases.

In 2011, Bundy’s complete DNA profile, obtained from a vial of his blood found in an evidence vault, was added to the FBI’s DNA database for future reference in these and other unsolved murder cases.

·         Bundy’s 1968 Volkswagen Beetle was displayed in the lobby of the National Museum of Crime and Punishment in Washington, D.C. until its closure in 2015.  It is presently on exhibit at the Alcatraz East Crime Museum in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.

·         A ski mask, rope, flashlight, handcuffs, gloves, and a nylon mask were all found inside Bundy’s 1968 Volkswagen Beetle’s glove compartment.

·         Polaroid photographs of Bundy’s victims have been found throughout the years.

In Media

·         The Deliberate Stranger (1986), played by Mark Harmon
·         Ted Bundy (2002), played by Michael Reilly Burke
·         The Stranger Beside Me (2003), played by Billy Campbell
·         The Riverman (2004), played by Cary Elwes
·         Bundy:  A Legacy of Evil (2008), played by Corin Nemec
·         The Capture of the Green River Killer (2008), played by James Marsters
·         Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile (2019), played by Zac Efron

·         Rule, Ann (1980) The Stranger Beside Me.  W.W. Norton and Company Inc. iSBN 978-1-938402-78-4
·         Sullivan, Kevin M (2009) The Bundy Murders:  A Comprehensive History.  McFarland and Company Inc. ISBN 978—0-786444-26-7
·         Aynesworth, Hayes (2000) Ted Bundy Conversations with a Killer.  Authorlink Press.  ISBN 978-1928704-17-1
·         Nelson, Polly (2019) Defending the Devil:  My Story as Ted Bundy’s Last Lawyer.  Echo Point Books & Media.  ISBN 978-1635617-91-7
·         Carlisle, Al (1976) Violent Mind:  The 1976 Psychological Assessment of Ted Bundy (Development of the Violent Mind) Genius Book Publishing ISBN 978-0998297-37-8
·         Micaud, Stephen G. (2012) The Only Living Witness:  The True Story of Serial Sex Killer Ted Bundy. Authorlink.  ISBN 978-0998297-37-8

·         Ted Bundy:  Devil in Disguise.
·         Ted Bundy:  An American Monster.
·         Ted Bundy:  What Happened.
·         Conversations with a Killer:  The Ted Bundy Tapes (2019).

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